Lifeline by Abbey Lee Nash

Ever read a novel where you reach the end of the story, and you’re sad because even though you know the characters aren’t real people, you can’t help but care about them, and you desperately want to *know* what comes next? Yeah. That was “Lifeline” for me. Lifeline is a serious YA novel about Eli,…

The Competition

“The Competition” is a story centered around a group of students: Mary Sofia, Michael, Raiden, and Camara, and the Penultimate Writing Competition where the prize is a full ride to a top prestigious college. The competition consists of a two-day writing contest involving 100 high school students who are given a series of prompts and…

Book Review: Chasing the Blue Sky

Title: Chasing the Blue Sky Author: Will Lowrey Buy it on Amazon (Kindle, Hardcopy) Please note there may be some very mild spoilers in my review (specifically the next paragraph which summarizes the plot). “Chasing the Blue Sky” is the story of Toby, a black and white pitbull mix who is born to a mother…

The Book of Moon By George Crowder

The Book of Moon A Novel By George Crowder I don’t even know where to start. The main character is named “Moon Landing.” But I loved this book. Great narrative voice and great story. Not for everyone but give it a try. You might get hooked. A solid five-star read. I would definitely read another…

The Call: A Baseball Novel by Laurie Boris

I’m a baseball fan, but I’ve never read a book about an umpire before. Let alone a novel about a female umpire. Part family drama, part sports book, this novel follows a young woman who wants to be a baseball umpire. Along the way as she works her way through the minor leagues, she endures…

Liz Jansen's "Crash Landing"

In this beautiful memoir, Liz Jansen — an avid motorcyclist — explores the idea that life is about the journey, not just the destination. Part travelogue, part a life history, part inspirational and self-help book, and part historical chronicle, Liz’s sweeping and life-affirming story explores several important and hearty themes. Dealing with fear. Finding yourself.…

The Marlin by Joseph Riden

Full disclosure: I received a gift copy from the author. This is a creative non-fiction piece written as a short story about a couple on a wooden trawler boat, Tin Hau, in the Pacific Ocean. In terms of style, pace, and format, the piece is written as a classic short story. Any story about ocean…

Review: Tom Hicklin's "Road to Antietam"

Title: Road to Antietam Author: Tom E. Hicklin Buy it on Amazon. (Available for Kindle and in hard copy.) In a nutshell: Lovingly researched and historically accurate in details, Road to Antietam features strong and well-crafted characters and realistic battle scenes. I’ve been interested in the American Civil War since high school, especially the Eastern Theater and…

Review: Suzie Gilbert's "Flyaway."

Title: Flyaway: How A Wild Bird Rehabber Sought Adventure and Found Her Wings Author: Suzie Gilbert. Buy it on Amazon (Kindle, Hardcopy) A memoir written in an entertaining, witty, and delightful style, Flyaway is a quick and well-paced read. Obviously aimed toward bird lovers (nothing wrong with that!) this book is written in an accessible style which could be enjoyed by…