Creating Cinderella (Anthology)

“Creating Cinderella” is a collection of twelve short stories all based on the traditional Cinderella fairy tale. I have never actually read the original “Cinderella,” but I am familiar with the fable and the 1950 Disney film.

As a “fresh take” on Cinderella, this story collection included a variety of point of views, including the famous tale from the point of view of a mouse. A collection of stories all based on the same trope/fable seems like it could become repetitive, but each take was fresh and unique, and every author brought a strong writing voice to the table.

I enjoyed every story in this anthology. If I absolutely had to pick my favorite, I would say it was probably “Saving Cinderella.” Other special standouts included “Andromeda” and “The Weeper in the Ashes.” But all the stories here are definitely worthy of reading–this is the rare anthology where I can truly say I liked every story, making the book as a whole easy to rate.

Finally, I don’t normally review covers, but I am a visual person, and I will admit I’ve bought books for their covers. Haha! The cover of “Creating Cinderella” is gorgeous and features Australian wildlife; this is appropriate as the proceeds from the book benefit animals injured in the bushfires in Australia.

Highly recommended.

(I received a review copy of this novel from the publisher, but I am leaving this review of my own choice.)