Writer Recommendations

One of the toughest things about being an indie writer is navigating the world of freelancers when it comes time to find editing, beta reading, and cover design services — the whole figuring out who is good and who isn’t. Below, I’ve listed the contact information for people I’ve worked with in the past who I found were 1) reliable; and 2) I feel like they did an excellent job. I’ve also listed some software and other blogs you might find helpful or useful as an indie writer as you embark on your journey into publishing.

(Photo of mother mourning dove with chick taken by the author.)

Beta Readers

Beta readers help smooth out problems in your manuscript, including character issues, pacing, etc.

Keith Alan
Dana MacLease Reads
Hamad Mohammad (The Book Prescription)
Ranee Stemann


Sharon Umbaugh (The Writers Reader)

Cover Designers

Tim Barber (Dissect Designs)


Calibre – Useful for converting and creating various digital book formats.

BookDesign Templates – Format your book easily in Word, InDesign, Apple Pages, etc.


BookFunnel – Host for ARCs and for delivering copies of digital books to your readers.


The Book Designer