Five Star Review – Readers' Favorite

Five Fathoms Beneath earned a five-star rating from Readers’ Favorite, an indie book publishing site.  Excerpt from the review: J.R. Alcyone writes with fluid prose and serious heart in recounting this tale of medical drama, family obligations and dealing with the darker side of life and death. … Five Fathoms Beneath gives just a dash of supernatural…

Utopian Fiction

Gizmodo posted an excellent article on Why We Need Utopian Fiction. I wouldn’t call “Five Fathoms Beneath” utopian fiction, but it does have a very positive and un-cynical ending, and for that reason this line in the article about utopian fiction really resonated with me: As children, we are told to dream for better futures;…

The Marlin by Joseph Riden

Full disclosure: I received a gift copy from the author. This is a creative non-fiction piece written as a short story about a couple on a wooden trawler boat, Tin Hau, in the Pacific Ocean. In terms of style, pace, and format, the piece is written as a classic short story. Any story about ocean…

Author Interview

My cover designer, Tim Barber, was kind enough to interview me about my novel, Five Fathoms Beneath. You can read the interview on Tim’s website by clicking here. If you’re looking for a cover designer, Tim does exceptional work and I recommend him without reservations.

So Five Fathoms Beneath is live!

So at long last, Five Fathoms Beneath is live! I’d still love to get some readers who are interested in a FREE review copy; please contact me if that’s something you’d be interested. I only ask that in consideration for the FREE book, you will consider writing me a review on Goodreads or Amazon, or…

Writers and Poets, oh my!

As a novel which leans literary, and with a main character who loves literature and quotes it frequently, Five Fathoms Beneath features bits and pieces of several works by famous poets and authors. Here are a few of the writers who get passing mention or are quoted in Five Fathoms Beneath. (Some of the brief…

Shenandoah Treasure Hunt

My friend and fellow writer, Keith Oxenrider,is currently raising moneyto fund his indie movie project, “Shenandoah Treasure Hunt.” It’s a movie set in the present about a group of college students who go on a hunt for lost Confederate gold. Check out his website to learn more about his cool indie project and the characters…

"The Star Thrower"

Five Fathoms Beneath is in many ways a (very) dark story, but it’s also a hopeful one. And part of the hope which underlies the novel comes from a story Alec tells his son Brose in the first chapter. “Lemme tell you a story. I heard it from an American anthropologist when I visited the States,…

Review: Tom Hicklin's "Road to Antietam"

Title: Road to Antietam Author: Tom E. Hicklin Buy it on Amazon. (Available for Kindle and in hard copy.) In a nutshell: Lovingly researched and historically accurate in details, Road to Antietam features strong and well-crafted characters and realistic battle scenes. I’ve been interested in the American Civil War since high school, especially the Eastern Theater and…